Working (with) the Finns
Working (with) the Finns
When working with Finns you should try to set clear goals and define objectives. Finnish business people wish to have both their responsibility and authority well defined. They do not want one without the other. Also appeal to the inner resources of Finnish individuals to achieve the task under their own steam and to be fully accountable for it. Finns like to demonstrate their stamina in a lone task. They do not like being closely supervised; they prefer to come to you with the end result.
You should listen well to Finns, for when they eventually have something to say, it is often worth listening to. You have to watch for subtle body language, as they have no other. You can be humorous on any occasion, you can talk about the cultural values of others, but do not praise the Swedes too much.. Show lively interest in Finnish culture-it is rewarding in any case.
Motivating Factors
✦ Be frank, open, direct. Get to the point.
✦ Be modest and low-key. Do not talk too fast, raise your voice or gush.
✦ Use first names, dress casually and be relaxed about protocol and hierarchy.
✦ Eat lunch quickly.
✦ Use understatement and humor.
✦ Pay attention to and show respect for Finnish women; never underestimate
✦ Give Finns physical and mental space. Let them get on with the job and do not hover or follow them around.
✦ Show you rely on them.
✦ Be punctual, finish action chains-Finns hate slovenliness and loose ends.
✦ Appear just, keep your word and don't let them down, ever.
✦ Pay debts quickly.
✦ Listen carefully to what they say-it's not much, but they really mean it.
✦ Share your planning with them early on and constantly ask for their ideas. If you don't, they will proceed alone to an entrenched position from which it will be difficult to dislodge them.
✦ Be faithful and solid. Remember that in Finnish eyes a statement is often
regarded as a promise.
✦ Enjoy shared silences. In Finland silence is cozy, restful-even fun.
✦ Talking about Finlandization, and make it clear that you know they were never Russianized.
✦ Giving them the hard sell.
✦ Gossiping or prying.
✦ Staring. But you should shake hands very firmly.