It is said "to know the heart of Finns, you must read The Kalevala". First published in 1835, The Kalevala is Finland's national epic and draws from a rich oral tradition of folklore and mythology. Physician and philologist Elias Lönnrot travelled the Finnish-Russian borderlands recording the ballads and charms sung by the rural people. From these he assembled a fantastical tale of spells, love, war and revenge - a mythic history of the ancient Finns which fired the imaginations and national consciousness of the Finnish people, and became a foundation of Finnish cultural identity.
The tale is steeped in magic both dreamlike and dramatic. The Kalevala's heroes - who spend much time in the pursuit of wives and its attendant obstacles - include the wise shaman Väinämöinen, the skilful smith Ilmarinen and the reckless womanizer Lemminkäinen. Louhi, the Mistress of the North, and Marjatta, the young virgin of Kalevala, also feature importantly. Stories of the protagonists' interactions with each other, and the spiritual and natural worlds, unfold over fifty 'songs'.
I'm sorry to tell you but I have not read Kalevala. I actually don't know personally anyone who has.
Isn't that peculiar?